Saturday, January 9, 2010

Back to school!!!

So.. I'm kind of actually glad my break is coming to an end, plus I'm excited to go back and see my friends!! This break was soooooo long.. almost too long? But I did get plenty of oppurtunities to lay around and hang out with firends so that's all that matters because this semester I have to hit the books hard! My classes seem to be kind of fun... Yoga, fingerspelling and numbers, linguistics, and some other class I forgot. The one I'm looking forward to most? I'm looking forward to my ASL classes and I think Yoga will be interesting (Muhahaha Laura!). So I'm pretty much just rambling on and my ear is bleeding right now so I'm going to go and sorry it has taken me so long to post but as soon as school starts I swear to update more often!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Makin' Cookies!

Going to a friend's house soon and have so much to do and so little time! I thought I would have all day to make cookies for the potluck but now I only have one hour and now I am typing a blog!

I went to the barn this morning to check up on Bode and to see how is hooves are doing. He has White Line Disease which means he has an infection going through a sensitive part of his hoof. Luckily, it's not too serious and I can ride him and everything but it's just one of those things I need to keep an eye on and I'll need to make sure he gets plenty of exercise. He was feeling good today and I think he was happy to see me :) I love it when I get compliments on him and how well behaved he can be. My Farrier even said that he is probably one of his favorite horses to shaw because he's just a sweet little horse and he is so darn cute! I should stop bragging about my little pony and start BAKING!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I love break :)

Ok I know I haven't posted lately but I've been having too much fun being lazy! I pretty much have sat around and done absolutely nothing and I love it. As for the finals week, I survived it! Grades are not looking too promising but at least I'm passing. Wow way to be optimistic self!

So right now I'm trying to plan out what I should do to survive this winter snow storm that's coming towards! I'm going on an adventure to stock up on canned goods and cut up some logs to have for the fire. And just in case if I can't make it to the grocery store by car I'll have to go by foot which means SNOW SHOES. I will not be able to leave the house for sometime so I had better stock up now! You do know I'm kidding right? That is just ridiculous but people are actually doing that as we speak.. or more like you read and a type to you.. yeah you get my point.

Shout out to my besties!! Once again you know who you are and I don't think you would appreciate me using your names on here.. well anyways your awesome and I love you all!

Song: Livin' on the Edge by Aerosmith


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wish I was sleeping

So right now it's just after 2:00 a.m. and I'm no where finished with my paper.. but it's ok because as long as I remain calm and have positive thoughts I'll be fine.... adshfkjlahgklbjkglfab!

I pretty much have a little over a page done.. and it's supposed to be ten.. I've gone through four Mountain Dews and I can feel my teeth ache from all the sugar. So far I'm not really tired.. I just don't really want to do this paper. Grrrrrrrr!

On a more positive note I timed myslef to see how long it would take to write a page.. it took a little over an hour so no matter what I think as long as I try hard enough I WILL finish. It might not be the best of quality but if I get a C I know I will pass with a decent grade.

Ok enough chit chat and procrastination! Onward!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lesson learned.. probably not..

So I procrastinate and always find myself in situations that are pretty... ummm tough to get out of. But I never actually learn from these mistakes! WHY?!?!

It's okay though. I've been in worse situations before.. I think.. Well you see I hate writing papers.. like A LOT! Look at it this way: I have a phobia of roller coasters okay? Yeah, so I would rather ride the world's scariest rollercoaster blindfolded and the other passengers would be serial killers! That sounds more fun then doing this paper! This is pretty bad.. but have no fear because I have six cans of Mountain Dew, a playlist of very loud energetic songs, and I have all hours of the night to finish it.. thats right.. ALL NIGHTER!!!!

Maybe I could possibly give an update later and let ya'll know how it's going.


Oh yeah for song of the day I would pick a song with the lyrics "I'M SCREWED!" but I don't know if there is such a thing.. so Ill just say Pretty Handsome Awkward by The Used.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My first blog post

So give me a break I'm new with this whole blogging thing.. I don't even know what I should say..

I started this blog as kind of a request to one of my best friends. Well wait! No.. not exactly! She proposed the idea to me and it sounded like a lot of fun so I decided to start one . It's not like I was forced to do it I chose to.

So a few things about myself:

1.) I'm actually in my second year of college which is.. cool. I'm going to school to become a sign language interpreter... also cool.

2.) My title is called "Confessions of a closet rock n' roller." Rock is one of my favorite genres of music. It doesn't matter what mood I'm in I can always listen to the lyrics and can relate to them. So that's that!

3.) I have a horse and his name is Bode. He's awesome. I love him. And he is so adorable! Bode and I have grown up together and we have gone through the good and the bad. But after this summer, it's like our bond has grown and now I actually feel like he finally loves me. He is not just a horse but a friend.

4.) If I were to die tomorrow I would probably be remembered most for my insane memory. It's quite odd. Usually I have a random memory pop into my head everyday.. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.. it forces me to think about memories I have tried to forget.. But anways I can remember random things that happened years ago but somehow I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning.. hmmmmm.

5.) My friends are the best! You know who you are.. I'll go into why they are so awesome later!

So now you know me.. well kind of. If you would like more about me you can keep reading my updates! If not then you can leave!


Oh and one last thing. I'm going to attempt to give out a song I like and maybe my random memory of the day! Exciting!